The Purpose of the

California State Baptist Convention, Inc.

Our goal is to become the most valuable resource in helping congregations become the church God has in mind. We are driven by the passion of helping congregations become effective, equipped and empowered with resources to engage in ministry and congregational transformation (Ephesians 4:11-12).  The passion God has put in our hearts for this time is: STRENGTHENING Churches to Serve (Acts 15:36; 41). 

The vision has a multipronged approach, focusing on the areas of S.T.R.E.N.G.T.H.E.N.I.N.G.


As a Convention, we will strengthen the SENDING capacity of member congregations.

It is envisioned that the California State Baptist Convention will motivate, mobilize, and send our churches on mission in their communities, across our state and abroad. We will give our churches the resources and opportunities to accomplish this movement beyond the church edifice.

SENDMECALIFORNIA – We will assess opportunities throughout the state to help convention churches do mission and evangelism in the local community.  

SENDMECHURCH – Send a team out to help churches in mission development, leadership training, church transitions and staff development.


As a Convention, we will equip congregations to be TRANSFORMATIONAL.

CONGREGATIONAL CONSULTATIONS – The CSBC team will assess member churches’ strengths and challenges, and help congregations develop a strategic plan to revitalize the church.

TRANSFORMING COMMUNITY – To develop the capacity of member congregations in order to achieve policy change in the communities where they live, work and worship.


As a Convention, we will engage in congregation REVITALIZATION

One of our central tasks in the present generation is to be bold in our vision of revitalizing churches — helping existing churches to find new vision, strategic focus, passion for the gospel, hunger for the preaching of the Word, love for their communities, and excitement about seeing people come to faith in Jesus.

Nine of ten churches are either declining or growing so slowly they are not keeping up with the growth of the community. Many churches are just a few years away from dying and closing. Revitalization is an urgent need.  As a Convention, we can’t deny this reality. Thus, our Convention must be a resource in helping plateaued and declining churches retool, refocus, restart, and release their ministry. 


As a Convention, we will EQUIP churches with creative ways to carry out the Great Commission and to be a purpose driven church.

We will conduct leadership training for member congregations these areas: women’s ministry, deacons, church administration, pastoral training, associate ministers training, men’s ministry, youth ministry, and church. Cast vision, create culture, develop systems, and empower leaders for the working of the ministry; and helping churches engage in strategic planning.


As a Convention, we will be sensitive to the NEEDS of member churches.

We will assist member congregations in church financing by providing resources on stewardship, debt reduction, and loan acquisitions. 

We will help churches with resources discern the times and develop a biblical strategy to deal with the demographic changes and cultural shifts that our churches are facing in the 21st century. 


As a Convention, our GATHERINGS will focus on assisting churches with making a kingdom impact.

Pastors, ministry leaders, staff and volunteers will acquire tools and best practices to mobilize toward:

  • Discover New Ideas             
  • Imagine New Possibilities
  • Engage New Strategies     
  • Access New Resources


As a Convention, we will help churches TRANSITION.

Churches are always in transition – from building programs for classroom changes, to staff adjustments, to adding ministries and assigning responsibility – a church must constantly prepare for the transitions that come with the life cycle of the church.  Our Convention will provide information and resources for clergy and the congregation when faced with transition.


Passing the Baton to Your Pastoral Successor

Helping Incoming Pastors Navigate the Changeover Zone

Ways to Avoid Making Pastoral Move Mistakes

Wandering: A Reflection on the Appointment Season

So You’re Moving: Guidance for Pastors and Churches in Leadership Transition


What Your New Pastor Wants You to Know

Ways to Welcome Your New Pastor

Suggestions for Churches with a Young Pastor

Suggestions for Churches with a Single Pastor 


As a Convention, we will be committed to building HEALTHY churches   The Convention will provide assistance in four major areas of church life: Discipleship, Leadership, Administration, and Stewardship.

The Convention will assist churches by assessing the current status of these areas, equipping leadership to understand and improve these areas, and assisting the church toward building in these areas with excellence.


As a Convention we are committed to equipping churches to change the world through EVANGELISM.

We will provide resources to congregations for assessing potential growth goals and developing action plans to evangelism their community.  

We are committed to helping churches use technology to accomplish the Great Commission.

Helping churches to analyze their Visitor Volume, Visitor Retention, and Back Door statistics. These three factors define the rise and fall of the church’s attendance. All three factors represent distinctly different church growth problems with distinctly different church growth solutions. 


As a Convention we are committed to establishing strategic partnerships with organizations for the purpose of NETWORKING.

We will collaborate with faith and community leaders to meet the needs of the community through an array of services including emergency food, resource assistance, educational assistance and homeless referral assistance.

We will partnerships with convention churches to create a network of shared resources, ministry support and fellowship.


As a Convention, we will be an INFORMATION resource to member congregations by providing churches with information regarding grants and community development: We will prepare your church to receive non-profit status, secure grant funding to undergird your mission and vision, protect your church while securing resources, and engage in projects that empower the community.


Increase the Overall Quality of Your Congregation

Prepare Your Church to Minister Effectively in the 21st Century

Create an Atmosphere of Excellence Within Your Ministry

Position Your Ministry for Church Growth

Getting Your House in Order:

Compliance with IRS Guidelines Regarding Church Finances

Human Resources



As a Convention, we will NURTURE convention churches to be effective, equipped and empowered to engage in transformational ministry.

  • Mentoring Start Up Churches                     
  • Motivating Hurting Churches
  • Managing Church Conflicts                           
  • Providing Pastoral Care  
  • Exposing Congregations to Model Ministries


As a Convention we are committed to helping member churches GROW incarnationally and physically. The Convention will help you learn biblical strategies on church growth.  

MARKETING YOUR MINISTRY- Increase your ministry’s presence in the community. Involve the community your ministry endeavors. Increase attendance at ministry functions. Utilize technology and social media networks to get the word out about your church.

THEY’VE JOINED, NOW WHAT? Acclimate new members into the life of the congregation. Stop the ever-present “back door” revival threat. Increase ministry involvement of new members.

CREATING A CLIMATE FOR GROWTH Create a welcoming environment for guests. Increase return visitors to your ministry. Increase your congregation’s focus on “outside” ministry. Recruit for your foreign missions projects. Initiate global ministry partnerships. Understand the difference between church growth and evangelism  .